
Yet another RPG and/or D&D blog?!

[2 min read]

In June 2021, in the midst of a global pandemic, one of my oldest friends reached out and asked if I wanted to moonlight in their Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition campaign. Since Australia, my home country and where these friends are located, was under some of the harshest lockdown conditions in the world at the time, the group couldn't meet physically. Adding me via Zoom, thousands of kilometers away and minus eight hours of time difference in Switzerland, seemed like a fun temporary distraction during what should have been weeks of lockdown and that ended up being months.

Not having played D&D for a couple of decades (and 3.5 Edition being the last ruleset I played), I was excited but also a little daunted. I rolled up a 5th level character, Tomas of Tyr, using D&D Beyond and min-maxing the hell out of my stats, which were very generous from our Dungeon Master. I basically wanted to do a lot of damage, so a Vengeance Paladin was a good choice.

After my first game, the magic of roleplaying in this well-trodden fantasy setting came back to me, and I was hooked! Over the following months, I dove heavily into bringing myself back up to speed on 5th Edition, consuming a copious amount of content from online videos and podcasts. But best of all, playing D&D again awoke in me a creative spark, something outside my regular corporate job that uses a different side of my brain. That creative spark, coupled with a love of writing, has led to this blog! 

And while this blog is mostly an outlet for me to capture my thoughts and assuage my need to write, I hope you find some value in living the journey with me as I rekindle my love of roleplaying through D&D, board games, and video games. A Dash of RPG makes for a more fun and fulfilling life!

