Tomas of Tyr - back story
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Image by Stefan Koidl |
[2 min read]
Tomas, formerly Tordrek Torunn, was an acolyte of Dwarven God of Gorm Gulthyn (Vigilance, Defense of the Homeland) and was exiled from his native Mithral Hall by trying to expose corruption in the church. He fled to Sundabar, a mixed dwarven and human city, where he was helped by a human priest of Tyr who sheltered him as an acolyte for many years.
Eschewing all dwarvish ways, he shaved his beard and took the human name of Tomas and devoted himself to Tyr, joining the martial order. Tomas believes Tyr speaks to him, and wants him to right wrongs committed in the name of the gods by corrupt worshippers bent on their own power.
Martial training complete, Tyr sent Tomas to the Moonsea, where the time of troubles caused the most severe corruption of the sacred bond between god and worshipper. Tomas was captured by Zentarim and imprisoned in a dungeon beneath the Thar until the party came along and freed him.
Tomas believes the direct connection to one's deity is sacred and his experience in Mithral Hall showed that races twist and corrupt worship of the gods to their own ends. To Tomas, the church is the traditional and lawful way to commune with the gods, but has seen too much corruption in the institution and is now bent on rooting it out to restore the glory days of worship.
The Aegis Arcana's goals align with Tomas' because the slivers of divine power that exist in the time of troubles and how they are being used for nefarious purposes is a corruption of that link to the gods. Restoring the Temple of Tyr in Solus would be a chance to bring the glory days of the church to a troubled region.
However, Tomas is at a personal cross-roads. When touched by Azuth in the dungeon in Thar, Tomas is manifesting eldritch power in addition to the divine which could ironically be seen as an impurity versus Tomas' ideals. He is looking to Tyr to help guide the next phase in his quest - will Tyr bless this union of power and encourage Tomas to use all means to wreak vengeance on corruption?
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